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Sol do Sertão Renewable Energy Project in Brazil. First ever in Latin America, by Future Carbon.

Today is Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

“A landmark for Latin America and Brazil”, commented the CEO of Future Carbon Fabio Galindo for the Metrópoles portal.

Project was approved by the Global Carbon Council (GCC) after independent specialized audit by Earthood Services Private Limited.

According to the Qatar-based GCC, the Sol do Sertão Renewable Energy Project consists in the implementation and operation of a new solar photovoltaic electricity generation complex, divided in eight facilities. All facilities areas are in the rural area of Oliveira dos Brejinhos municipality, in the State of Bahia, northeast of Brazil. The project activity will deliver renewable electricity to the Brazilian National Interconnected System (Sistema Interligado Nacional - SIN).

GCC adds that in the baseline scenario, electricity delivered to the grid by the project activity would have been generated by the operation of grid-connected power plants and by the addition of new generation sources, as reflected in the combined margin calculations. Hence, the project activity will promote GHG emissions reductions by displacing fossil fuel-based electricity generation that would otherwise occur.

Verified GHG emission reductions amount 344,958 tCO2/Year, with CORSIA - Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation - forecasted market eligibility.

"A lot of work to get here. The first of all." said said Rafael Borgheresi from Future Carbon. Project was submitted for diligences on July 2022 and finally posted by GCC last January 30, 2024, leading to the issuance of ACCs, called as Approved Carbon Credits.

Worth mentioning that the project also got a "Platinum SDG+ Label" by GCC, meaning that it is contributing towards achieving 5 out of 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically:

SDG-13 Climate action

SDG-2 Zero hunger

SDG-4 Quality education

SDG-7 Affordable and clean energy

SDG-8 Decent work and economic growth

Click at the image below to see Global Carbon Council's summary about "Sol do Sertão Renewable Energy Project". It includes links to several supporting documentation.

And here for their full list of GCC approved projects in more countries such as Türkiye, India, China, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Oman, Serbia and now also Brazil.

You may be also interested in reading about GCC's governance structure, with members from all over the world - Advisory Board, Steering and Regulatory Committee, Verifiers -  and as such "maintains an impartial regulator’s position in the voluntary carbon market".

Last but not least, it is good to see electricity generation from renewable in a growing path in terms of carbon credits, besides nature-based solutions NbS.


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