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Scope 3 knocking on the door, part 1. Small and medium-sized companies being surprised by their international customers, with demands regarding SBTi and GEE questionnaires.

Monday, 19 August 2024.

Around the world, small and medium-sized companies are being asked more than ever by their customers in their supply chains to adapt to the climate change agenda.

See these two testimonies - similar to many around the world - given by companies at an event at the headquarters of the Federation of Industry of the State of São Paulo (FIESP) on August 13, 2024.

(1) “We serve some multinationals. And this year we were surprised by this issue of joining the SBTi... what now? What do we do? Who are we looking for? Because we hear about it, we know about the importance of preserving the environment, greenhouse gases, but no one has ever come and demanded us more firmly: ‘we need your firm commitment’.” (representative of a company in the metal products sector, boilermaking).

(2) “We end up supplying some clients, who also supply multinationals. And last year we received a questionnaire for us to fill out. I looked at the questionnaire, I answered, thinking everything was correct, and I forwarded it to the client. He said: ‘No. It's totally wrong. You have to follow this guide here’… the international guide they follow … gas emissions… I started looking and saw that the subject was quite complex.” (representative of a machining solutions company).

In short, companies surprised by their customers, with demands related to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and questionnaires related to greenhouse gas emissions.

Tomorrow we will publish the final part of this article, solutions, briefly sharing a great tip for small and medium-sized companies, in a practical way and applied regionally in Brazil.

As a concept, it could – and should – be quickly replicated in other jurisdictions.

Lastly, as the SBTi was mentioned “as a pain” in the first testimony above, see our post“SBTi’s Next Step Related to Carbon Credits and Scope 3: Revision Process for its Corporate Net-Zero Standard.”

Escopo 3, Cadeia de Fornecedores. Slide evento FIESP 13 de agosto de 2024.
Escopo 3, Cadeia de Fornecedores. Slide evento FIESP 13 de agosto de 2024.


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Madame Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) Chemist & physicist. French, born Polish.

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