Another great report from MSCI ESG Research LLC analysing challenges and opportunities related to climate change, the road to net zero, the growing existential threat of biodiversity loss, social inequalities, regulation, controversy over greenwashing, debate on what ESG should be and how the investment environment is being reshaped. Against global conflicts, inflation, energy markets in turmoil, political uncertainty and an unending stream of climate-induced disasters.
Here are some interesting highlights included in the report, perspectives to support companies in their strategic decisions and lines of action:
Nearly three quarters (72%) of listed makers of technology hardware or household durables did not disclose measures for e-waste collection or recycling
Less than 12% of listed food-products companies and 18.2% of food retailers had disclosed a deforestation policy, while the numbers for auto components (3.3%) and textiles, apparel and luxury goods (3.7%) were even lower. Even at paper and forest products companies the figure was below 40%.
Apparel retailers increasingly relying on third-party certification for responsible cotton and alternative sources of sustainable fiber, including lab-grown cotton and processes to recycle post-consumer textile waste into new materials.
Mining old electronics to fuel new energy tech
Nuclear energy contemplates a comeback
Patent activity suggests energy firms still dig fossil fuels
Lab-grown commodities: diamonds, leather, cotton, fur
Increased carbon-reduction commitments from the steel industry
Greening industrial real estate
Insurance emissions: The actuarial revolution has begun
Will banks be ready for climate stress test regulations?
Carbon (EU ETS) uncorrelated with other assets
Click here to download the full 70 pages report (in English).