The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) has just released a vey good tool to facilitate visualization of the status of implementation Article 6 accross the globe.
"Because Article 6 is a voluntary mechanism, it requires positive “buy-in” from Parties to function. To help the governments, members, and stakeholders better understand the current landscape of Article 6, IETA has initiated a series of visual works about key aspects for the further development and implementation of the mechanism"
Three visuals were developed so far.
1) International Cooperative Approaches Tracking Map, indicating the status of each country:
considers broad international support for achieving its NDC or increasing its climate ambition
considers or intends to use international market mechanisms to achieve its NDC or increase its climate ambition
does not mention or consider using international carbon market mechanisms
already engaged with some sort of cooperation to implement cooperative approaches (MOUs, bilateral agreements, etc.)
already Authorizing and Transacting ITMOs
has not delivered the NDC or without information
2) International Cooperative Approaches Detailed Landscape:
A6.2 Bilateral Agreements or MOUs. With South Korea, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and UAE at the buyer side. And about 20 host countries.
Cooperation under the JCM. With Japan as buyer and about 30 host countries
3) Article 6 Pilot Projects Worldwide, with about 15 types and close to 30 host countries.
Click at the image below to access this IETA's tool. Worth navigating.
If more intersted about Article 6, click here for the article "What is Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, and why is it important?", by Alexandra Soezer, from the Sustainable Energy Hub of the United Nations Development Programme. It includes pratical examples, to facilitate understanding how cooperation works.
IETA is a non-profit business organisation created in June 1999 to establish a functional international framework for trading in greenhouse gas emission reductions. You can see their impressive list of members here.