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ICC-WayCarbon Study: Opportunities for Brazil and the Carbon Credit Markets

In the next 10 years, Brazil has the potential to supply up to 48.7% of the global demand of the voluntary carbon credit markets and up to 28% of the global demand of the regulated market within the scope of the UN. Regarding the potential for Brazilian carbon credits to be transacted by 2030, in 2021 it was estimated at up to US$ 100 billion, but the updated estimate increased to up to US$ 120 billion in 2030.

These are findings from 2a. edition of the study “Opportunities for Brazil in Carbon Credits”, carried out by ICC Brasil in partnership with WayCarbon, and launched about a month ago, at the event “Pre-COP27: Expectations and engagement of the private sector”. The publication assesses the potential of the Brazilian carbon market ecosystem, also highlighting the main barriers. According to the statement, the new edition incorporates post-COP26 updates to the Article 6 mechanisms and the national context.

In other words, another spectacular recent reference for those enthousiastic about the evolution of the carbon credits markets, comprehending the complete report, an executive summary and a very nice factsheet available for download. Both in Portuguese and English.

In the factsheet, for example, the following topics:

  • Updates on article 6

  • Global statistics on carbon markets, regulated and voluntary

  • National carbon market ecosystem

  • Brazilian credit transaction potentials

  • Assessment of the Brazilian national ecosystem

  • Recommendations for the Brazilian government and the private sector

By clicking on the image below you can access all that.


“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

“I am among those who think that science has great beauty”

Madame Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) Chemist & physicist. French, born Polish.

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