The objective of this guide prepared by NBS Brazil Alliance is to support corporate strategies for offsetting emissions that encourage the reduction of deforestation and the promotion of a new economy of the standing forest. REDD - Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation - is an official mechanism recognized by the UN as an important instrument to achieve global targets for reducing GHG emissions. Considering the role of conserving forest carbon stocks, sustainable forest management and increasing forest carbon stocks, the acronym "gets" the + sign, hence REDD+.
With the growth of both corporate emission reduction targets and the voluntary carbon market, it becomes important to define key points for a responsible purchase of this type of carbon credits. These key points were organized and presented in the report, in the form of guiding questions on the following subjects of the REDD+ project under analysis:
Carbon management in your company
Responsible entity
Project registration platform
Additional impacts and certifications
Forest conservation strategies
Technical aspects
Elements of communication
NBS Brazil Alliance is a non-profit association governed by private law, and among its founding members and members, Agrocortex, Bioassets, Biofílica, Carbonext, Ecosecurities, BVRio, FAS, First Climate, IDESAM, Mirova Natural Capital – Althelia Funds, Permian, Sustainable Carbon and South Pole.
Click on the image below to access the report (upon shot registration) and read much more about it, including the more than 25 companies that supported its preparation.
We remind you that two days ago we published another useful reference, the technical report "Overview of the International Carbon Market" by Fundo Vale / Ecosecurities.