Regulated by the Brazilian Government in 2021 (decree nº 10.828) the CPR Verde - rural producer's "green" banknote - creates the possibility for farmers to obtain revenues through sustainable practices and the conservation of forests, through a new commodity.
With the Brazilian government estimating that this market could reach around BRL 30 billion in four years, B3, the São Paulo Stock Exchange, registered the 1st CPR Verde in 2022.
Click at the image below to read the article “Produtor rural passa a ganhar dinheiro por preservar meio ambiente” of the digital journal Poder360, including details of a case in the northern region of Mato Grosso, an area of approximately 400 hectares.
The article also mentions the UCS, Carbon Credit Unit, product of the BMV (Brasil Mata Viva) methodology developed in partnership with UNESP. It was BMV that structured the 1st CPR Verde mentioned above.
About this methodology, it appeared (indirectly) in our post "For the first time, rural property auctions will accept carbon credits as payment" . In the pre-auction clarifications, question 5, Banco do Brasil did not accept the UCS, preferring instead “standards and terms recognised at the regulated market (MDL … and/or voluntary market …)” and “… registered on a public platform such as VERRA … BC Carbon Registry … Markit … that can prove the origin, standard of certification and traceability …”.
In other words, very different stages for the processes in terms of certification and international verification.
To conclude, worth also referring to the post "Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI) issues its Claims Code" from two days ago.