What challenges will China face in striking a balance between economic growth and carbon reduction ? China Daily prepared a 8+ video to illustrate, including:
Earthlab super computer to simulate the carbon cycle of the Earth
China’s pledged to peak its carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060
Low-carbon housing and coal-free zones in the country
More green energy sources, such as solar, hydro, waste and biomass
In Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, carbon account system to monitor emissions by enterprises and individuals
A real time App with 2,39 million carbon accounts
Enterprises categorised by emission level: dark green (lowest) , light green, yellow and red (highest)
Low-carbon facilities for raising animals, “carbon neutrality” agriculture loans and a 9 story pig-farm
China’s national trading carbon market launched in July 2021 (see our post)
In less than six months, at the end of 2021, the trade volume of the carbon market reached almost 7,7 billion yuan (over $ 1 billion) eq. 179 million tons of carbon emissions
About carbon accounts for individuals, you can read more in this post from April 2021, “Carbon Trading with Chinese Characteristics” . Local residents can earn carbon coins (credits) by opting for low-carbon transportations and saving on water and electricity usage, financially incentivising a low-carbon lifestyle. Hydrogen vehicle fuel cell technology also prioritised.
Click on the image below to watch China Daily’s video to find out more (spoken English and subtitles in Chinese).