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An invitation from IETA and A6IP. Participate in the Business Pulse Survey about Article 6.

Wednesday, 25 September 2024.

Article 6 of is a framework introduced by the Paris Agreement of 2015 that allows countries to voluntary collaborate through carbon markets and other means, to achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Among others, it is an important mechanism considering that not all countries are equal in terms of resources and solutions.

This framework is still being discussed, seeking consensus COP after COP.

If you would like to help with the next steps of the Article 6, before COP29 in Baku, here is an opportunity, an invitation we received last 18 September and would like to share with our readers:

Dear A6IP Company / Project Developer and Consultant Partners,

We are pleased to announce that IETA and the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP), have launched the Article 6 Business Pulse Survey. This survey aims to explore key challenges and opportunities for companies wishing to engage in Article 6. We would very much appreciate if you could contribute to this survey by circulating it within your organization and network. 


The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. All responses are completely anonymised, ensuring your privacy and confidentiality.

Results of the survey will be previewed at the Asia Climate Summit in New Delhi 22-24 October, and formally presented at COP29 in Baku in November.

The survey can be accessed via this anonymous link or through the QR code (image) below.

IETA, the International Emissions Trading Association, was established in 1998 dedicated to advancing international cooperation in emissions trading and sponsored a.o. by UNCTAD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Its inaugural meeting happened in Buenos Aires on 12 November 1998, in conjunction with COP4. Recall here the historic press release.

A6IP was established in 2022 at COP 27 under the leadership of Japan, as an international partnership to support institutional arrangements and capacity building for credit authorization and reporting necessary for the implementation of Article 6 through international cooperation. Check this press release by the Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan.

Carbon Credit Markets has been a member of I6IP since the beginning.

Last but not least, click here for a vey good tool by IETA where you can visualize the status of implementation Article 6 across the globe.

QR Code for the Article 6 Business Pulse Survey (IETA/ A6IP). Request for Cooperation
QR Code for the Article 6 Business Pulse Survey (IETA/ A6IP). Request for Cooperation


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