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Carbon Credits: Verra Releases New Carbon Capture and Storage Methodology.

Today is Thursday, 4 July 2024.

Verra has released its newest Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0049 Carbon Capture and Storage, a topic is of special interest by hard-to-abate sectors, such as cement, oil and natural gas, and power generation.

VM0049 is a framework for technology-based carbon capture and storage (CCS) activities that generate carbon dioxide (CO2) removals and emission reductions.

More specifically, this 1.0 version is globally applicable to activities that capture CO2 directly from the atmosphere or from a source facility, eventually followed by transportation and by permanent safe geological storage.

These sites of permanent underground storage mean complexes such as saline aquifers, depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs or via geological mineralization.

According to the press release, complementing VM0049, Verra expects to add three other activities to this first batch of methodologies covering its sectoral scope “Carbon Capture and Storage”:

  • Direct air capture

  • Transportation of CO2

  • Storage of CO2 in saline aquifers and depleted oil and gas reservoirs

And there will be also a second batch, that will cover CO2 Capture from Bioenergy Combustion, among others.

Click here for the press release and at the image below for the 33-pages VM0049 methodology itself.

Besides the text itself, of special interest are the 17 references indicated at the end of the document.

This methodology was developed by Verra and the CCS+ Initiative, a collaboration of 48 member companies. Perspectives Climate Group GmbH, and South Pole Carbon Asset Management Ltd. served as the secretariat and consultants to the initiative throughout this methodology.


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