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Carbon Credits in RJ, AM and TO: Brazilian states also taking action

Carbon credits: much happening in Brazil this month of June 2023, in the wake of World Environment Day.

Click on each title for the full official announcement, below which is a brief summary.

Law nº 7907/2023 created tax incentives for companies in the carbon credit chain to settle in the city. Incentives amounting BRL 60 million per year to be deducted from the Services Tax (ISS) for buyers of carbon credits.

Regarding the activities of development and auditing of carbon credit projects, in addition to the activities of registration and provision of transaction platforms, the law provides for a reduction from 5% to 2% in the ISS.

The State seeks conservation projects in the REDD+ modality to generate carbon credits and raise funds from the sale of these assets. The resources will be used directly in the UCs, to encourage the production chain, strengthen associations, improve infrastructure, environmental management and support forestry programs.

Interested parties may submit proposals for any of the 42 UCs in Amazonas and must follow internationally recognized standards, which allow for fundraising through the sale of carbon credits.

This is a technical and commercial agreement with a Swiss company in the energy and commodities sector, for carrying out the qualification and certification project for the State Jurisdictional REDD+ Program, having as its genesis the Plan for Preventing and Combating Deforestation and Forest Fires of the State of Tocantins.

The company undertakes to invest BRL 20 million in technical services aimed at qualifying for an international standard and generating carbon credits. Another BRL 10 to 20 million will be invested in registering these credits, allowing the State to operate in the voluntary carbon market and benefit from its environmental assets.


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